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Lies for the liars is The Used's Third studio album, released on 22th of may 2007 and was certified gold by the RIAA on february 28th 2019.
Album cover illustrated by Alex Pardee.
Originally 19 tracks were recorded for the album but only 11 made it in. Some of the remaining tracks would turn into the EP known as Shallow believer!

One of the song featured on the album "Pretty Handsome Awkward" was featured in a Transformers movie, it was also rumored that this same song is about gerard way (MCR vocalist), which Bert confirmed in 2019.

The Character on the cover has a name, His name is chadam. His creator Alex pardee ended up expanding his character after the album and a short series based on the character was made in 2010.

My Opinion

Lies for the liars is probably my favorite album ever, atleast from The Used. It was the first one i listened to and has my favorite songs!!! I own 2 Lies for the Liars CDs. one of them being a Special edition DVD+CD
I love this album!!! it has become such a big part of my identity, i even have a character whos based off of this album (not in my game project). This album is mine! back off! /j

Favorite songs

The ripper, Pretty Handsome Awkward, The Bird and the Worm, Hospital, Paralyzed, Wake the dead, Liar Liar (burn in hell), Smother me!